March is National Nutrition Month. The theme for National Nutrition Month 2021, created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is “Personalize Your Plate.”
Hillcrest South Lead Clinical Dietitian Jennifer Watkins will provide tips throughout the NNM campaign, which invites people to learn about making informed food choices, developing healthful eating and physical activity habits. The NNM campaign also includes weekly key messaging.
This week’s message is to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. In order to do so, the NNM campaign recommends a few tips.
*Include health foods from all food groups. See details on “MyPlate” attachment for more information.
*Hydrate healthfully.
*Learn how to read nutrition facts panels. See details on “Get the Facts On Food Labels” attachment for more information.
*Avoid distractions while eating.
*Take time to enjoy your food. See the “10 Principles of Intuitive Eating” guide for more tips on truly enjoying your meal.