I get a burning feeling in the middle of my chest.
Yes ___ No ___
I often have this burning feeling after a meal or at night.
Yes ___ No ___
This burning feeling gets worse when I lay down or bend over.
Yes ___ No ___
Over-the-counter medicines such as acid reducers or antacids help the burning go away.
Yes ___ No ___
I frequently regurgitate (burp up) my food. Yes ___ No ___
There is a bitter or sour taste in the back of my throat.
Yes ___ No ___
If you chose YES to one or more of these statements, you may have GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).
If you are interested in your options to address the discomfort, call The Tulsa Heartburn & Reflux Center @ Hillcrest South at 918.294.GERD (4373) to schedule a consultation or click here to learn more.