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Family Summer Bucket List

Memorial Day weekend is fast approaching, which means summer break is fast approaching, if not already here for some families. What will you do with the long days of summer? We thought it would be a good idea to share some healthy, educational and fun “summer bucket list” activities that you may consider for your family this summer.

Family bike ride
Pick up produce at the Farmer’s Market
Take a morning hike
Set up backyard badminton
Tour a museum
Pack a picnic
Schedule a nightly walk in the neighborhood
Create a reading list of your favorite topics
Take a trip to the local library
Watch a sunrise
Watch a sunset
Run a race
Jump rope
Run through the sprinklers
Count the stars on a clear night
Eat corn on the cob
Go camping
Watch an outdoor movie
Catch fireflies
Watch a baseball game
Fly a kite
Visit a zoo
Visit a new park or playground
Wash a car
Do something kind for a neighbor or family member

What is on your family summer bucket list? Share with us on Facebook!