For more information about the Change Healthcare breach involving Hillcrest Hospital South, please click here.


In the spirit of October, Hillcest South dietitian Stephanie Harris, MS, RD/LD shared a skinny version of the Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spiced Latte with the News on 6, as a healthier alternative. Click here to watch this segment.

Skinny Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Hillcrest South dietitian Stephanie Harris, MS, RD/LD shares her homemade pesto recipe with us today on the blog.

Are you one of the estimated 30 million Americans suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Heartburn is one of the most common symptoms and when it flairs up, life can feel pretty uncomfortable. While over-the-counter-medications may provide some immediate relief, health care providers agree you should not take them for extended periods of time. Here is more information on what changes you can make to help reduce symptoms of GERD from the Tulsa Heartburn & Reflux Center @ Hillcrest South

June is Men’s Health Month and a good opportunity to highlight health conditions, which are important to understand and discuss with your health care provider. Testicular cancer is one of the leading causes of death in men in the United States and is the most common cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 34. Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles, which are located inside the scrotum. The good news is testicular cancer is highly treatable and annual examinations can help detect testicular cancer early.

From the time she was a little girl, Michelle Evans, BSN, RN, remembers being drawn to the hospital nursery to see newborns wrapped in their blankets, as she peered through the glass. Michelle enjoyed these trips rather frequently, as her mother was a nurse in the Cath Lab at Hillcrest Medical Center. “I would always ask her to go to the baby floor,” Michelle recalls. She watched the nurses feed and care for the babies and knew someday that would be her. “I love the idea of caring for newborns.” 

Peggy Medina, 63, has suffered from bouts of pancreatitis for 12 years. When she began experiencing abdominal pain and nausea in February, Peggy reached for the pain medication to get her through a few days of rest and pain management – what had worked in the past. “The pain was so bad the meds didn’t impact it,” recalls Peggy. She quickly decided it was time to go to the Emergency Department at Hillcrest South.